XPERT TEK SOLUTIONS - Xpert People Xpert Solution

Xpert Tek Solutions Inc. commit highest return on investments and consider continuous research and development as the building blocks of our existence. We provide Digital Risk Management solutions which is a critical concern due to increased number of identified security threats. Digital Risk brings an organization in a situation where besides money, "Trust" and "Corporate Identity" are at stake. Xpert Tek Solutions offers an automated auditing tool "Secure
Auditor"& various services like Security Auditing Services, Network Designing Services, Vulnerability Assessment Services, System Hardening Services, Penetration Testing Services, Policy Services and Technical Training Services.  

Computer Security Software

The best computer security software for information security professionals to conduct in-depth IT Security Audit.
Security Tools & Utilities

Secure Bytes provides over 40 embedded database security tools, network security tools and computer security tools free of cost.
Database Security Software

The most comprehensive risk assessment software for Oracle and MS SQL database security.
Network Security Software

Most advanced network security software in its domain, which conducts security assessments of Cisco firewalls, routers, and switches.
Database Auditing Software

An essential and advanced computer security assessment software for auditing weaknesses, threats and database security vulnerabilities.
Regulatory Compliance

Secure Auditor assists organizations in fulfilling informatioon security data regulatory compliance requirements such as HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI compliance, etc.
XPERT TEK SOLUTIONS - Xpert People Xpert Solution
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